Silver sphere


The results in this page can be reproduced and visualized using the cubic calculator.


The following table presents the frequencies, irreducible representations and animations for a sphere made of anisotropic silver (C11=123.99, C12=93.67, C44=46.12 GPa and ρ=10.5g/cm3).

See: Acoustic vibrations of anisotropic nanoparticles, L. Saviot & D. B. Murray, Phys. Rev. B 79, 214101 (2009) ( doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.214101, 0904.2959 )

for d=nm
Animation(s) Volume
103.31367Eg 006 0070.000000
106.79684T2u 008 009 0100.000000
151.07455A2g 011-0.000000
152.98817T1u 012 013 014-0.000000
160.95311Eu 015 0160.000000
169.43091T2g 017 018 0190.000000
196.36629T2g 020 021 022-0.000000
196.91591T1g 023 024 025-0.000000
211.18862Eg 026 027-0.000000
221.75574T2u 028 029 0300.000000
232.12581T1u 031 032 0330.000000
234.51151T2u 034 035 036-0.000000
248.89663A1g 0371.056491
249.74586Eu 038 039-0.000000
252.92383T1g 040 041 0420.000000
260.98062A2u 0430.000000
261.31402T1u 044 045 046-0.000000
279.59279T2u 047 048 049-0.000000
283.75141Eg 050 051-0.000000
285.57171T1g 052 053 0540.000000
293.74016T2g 055 056 0570.000000
295.84221Eg 058 0590.000000
300.66638A1u 060-0.000000
302.64265A2g 0610.000000
311.46499T1u 062 063 0640.000000
311.98392T2g 065 066 0670.000000
316.90142T1u 068 069 070-0.000000
328.19241T2g 071 072 0730.000000
331.24409A1g 074-12.246856
337.72572T1g 075 076 0770.000000
339.83121T2u 078 079 080-0.000000
340.44280Eg 081 082-0.000000
346.06617T1u 083 084 085-0.000000
351.66781Eu 086 087-0.000000
354.72604T2g 088 089 090-0.000000
356.80777A1u 091-0.000000
359.21508A2u 092-0.000000
361.16453T2u 093 094 0950.000000
363.54518T1g 096 097 098-0.000000
366.75262T1u 099 100 1010.000000

Click a link in the table to see the corresponding animation.